We're sorry to see you go!
Our team of passionate individuals is shedding some tears seeing you go. We crafted this app to help you reach your goals and improve your fitness. Please let us know how can we can improve the Fitplan app and user experience. Feedback, suggestions or comments can be sent via email to support@fitplanapp.com.
We are always looking for ways to get better because our ultimate goal is to help you, your family and friends and heck, even your neighbor integrate fitness and nutrition into their lives...it's life changing, we promise! 👊
Can't find your subscription on your account?
If you created your account using "Sign In With Apple" -> Hide Email, this creates a brand new account using Apple's proxy email to hide your email. Please login using the "Sign In With Apple," button to check if you have an account under your proxy email.
You must cancel your subscription via the same method you used to sign up.
Launch the Fitplan app
Tap Profile
Tap the Gear Icon in the top left corner
Tap Manage My Subscriptions
Under Subscriptions tap Manage
Tap Fitplan
Tap Cancel Subscription
Tap Confirm
Launch the Settings app
Tap Apple ID
Tap iTunes & App Store
Tap Apple ID: [Your Apple ID]
Tap View Apple ID
Tap Subscriptions
Tap Fitplan
Tap Cancel Subscription
Tap Confirm
Open iTunes on your computer
If you’re not signed in, sign in with your Apple ID.
From the menu bar at the top of your computer screen or at the top of the iTunes window, choose Account > View My Account
Enter your password, then press the Return or Enter key on your keyboard, or click View Account.
On the Account Information page scroll to the Settings section.
To the right of Subscriptions, Click Manage. If you don't see a subscription but are still being charged, make sure that you're signed in with the correct Apple ID. If so, you might have subscribed directly through the Fitplan app and not through iTunes. In this case, follow the instructions below for cancelling from the Fitplan website.
To the right of the subscription you want to manage, click Edit.
Use the options to manage your subscription. You can choose a different subscription offering, or click Cancel Subscription to cancel your subscription. If you cancel, your subscription will stop at the end of the current billing cycle.
If none of these methods work to cancel your iTunes subscription you may have a Google/Android subscription - please follow the web cancellation instructions below.
From Android
Launch the Google Play Store app
Tap Menu
My Apps
Subscriptions and tap on the app (Fitplan) of the subscription you'd like to cancel
Tap Menu
My Apps
Tap the app (Fitplan) of the subscription you'd like to cancel
Tap the app's details page
If neither of these methods work you may have a web subscription - please follow the web cancellation instructions below.
From Web
Go to www.fitplanapp.com
Click Login from the top navigation menu
Enter your email and password and click Login
Click on My Account
Manage Subscription
Cancel Subscription
If you are unable to cancel after following the instructions you can send a message to support@fitplanapp.com.